Rachel Antilla Success and Manifestation Coach

I am ready to help you achieve everything you desire and deserve! 

My passion in life is to teach others how to use the power of thought and positive thinking, and the laws of the universe to manifest the life they want. 

Whether you are feeling stuck in your career, wanting more financial abundance, or searching for love, you can have what you want by identifying limiting beliefs and focusing on what it is you seek with a positive mindset. 

Let's do it!

My Story

Learn more about me and how my life has changed.

5 Years Ago...

Five years ago I was stuck in survival mode. Working a job that was not fulfilling, that kept me in a negative mindset with no room for growth. My partner and I worked long, hard hours just to live paycheck to paycheck. I had two children at the time, and another blessing on the way. We rented a two bedroom apartment and went through the motions every day. Same routine, and having the same experience. All that changed when I began to learn the power of the positive mind. 


Today I am a Success and Manifestation Coach and I also have an exciting career in the professional world. My career has provided me with many opportunities for growth. In five years, by changing my mindset, I have doubled my income and have had the pleasure of witnessing my partner do the same. I have a work life balance that allows me to spend more time with my children and truly be present in their lives. I have since purchased my own home and am enjoying the home improvement process. A lot has changed in five years, and I am very grateful for all of the abundance in my life that has been brought by a shift in my mindset. 

Over the years I've identified tools that have helped me to stay focused and keep a positive mindset. These "power tools" that I've discovered and learned about during my journey, help me to focus on what it is I want while detaching from the how, and enjoying the experience.

As a Success and Manifestation Coach, I provide support to my clients by sharing with them the knowledge I've gained and the "power tools" that have helped me. I hold my clients accountable in a way that serves them to stay consistent, leading to a change in mindset, allowing them to experience success and abundance. 

Everyone deserves, and can manifest the life they want! You can too!

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

Change your mindset by using the following techniques:

Behavior Modification
Mindfulness Techniques
Visualization Techniques
Law of Attraction and Vibration
Emotional Intelligence
The Power Tools


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